
Next week, the US will hold a presidential election.
At that time, we will vote not for a presidential candidate but for an impression of the candidate we see on TV and at campaign events, read about in newspapers and blogs, and hear about from our friends and family.
Like Plato’s shadows on the cave wall, our impressions will reflect only whatever somebody chooses to show us.
Modern politics overwhelms us with images crafted and cultivated to fit what we want to see rather than the truth. We latch onto the fragment of reality that we perceive. We never see the full picture.
Outside of a few insiders, nobody has enough information to make an informed decision about anybody they vote for. I certainly don’t.
Who’s good? Who’s bad?
You may think the answers are obvious. Often, it’s not so easy to tell.
For example, Congressman Tom Emmer, one of crypto’s most powerful advocates in Congress. He’s the guy who yelled at SEC Chairman Gary Gensler for missing the FTX fraud, among other grievances.
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