
FinovateFall 2024 takes place in New York over September 9, 10 and 11. Register to attend by Friday, June 14 and save up to $1,000.
Fintech headlines frequently focus on funding and valuations, but that’s only part of the story. Behind every highly-valued company are connections and relationships on which that value is based.
FinovateFall’s diverse audience is where you can find the relationships needed to drive your business forward. Whether you’re looking to meet banks, payment processors, tech giants, investors, regulators, or merchants, we have you covered. Whether you’re looking to drive sales, partnerships, mergers, acquisitions, or simply collect product feedback, we have you covered.
Want to make the right connections? Apply to demo.
Demoing is a fit for anyone innovating: Startups, public entities, banks, and established leaders.
A limited number of companies are selected through a competitive application process each year. And we strive to give them the best ROI with these unique Finovate features:
- Single track – companies demo in front of the entire hundreds of audience of C-level financial executives, venture capitalists, industry press and analysts, and fintech entrepreneurs
- 7-minutes demos – targeted time for you to show how your technology works and for the audience to measure whether it’s the right fit for them
- Frequent and strategic networking breaks – companies capitalize on the energy and momentum generated during their demo and are able to connect and set up meetings through an AI-powered networking app
- Plug and play stands – all demoers have identical stands with tables, monitors, power, etc. included as part of the demo package – exhibition presence is a critical component of your Finovate experience, which is why you should not have to pay extra for it
- Fandom – we follow you for the rest of time. We blog about and tweet your noteworthy news, capital raised, awards earned, acquisitions and expansions made to our hundreds of thousands of followers.
The last early-bird application deadline is this Friday, June 14. All innovators encouraged to apply before demo slots fill up!
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