→ Read the full post here summary ↓ an exploration of the commons scale goods that make Ethereum (network, asset, media), what underpins their integrity, and how u/ProtocolGuild can help with that Thanks to Barnabé, John, Josh, Paul, and Tim for review. Ethereum is a commons like the natural + digital ones that precede it: fisheries, forests, the internet, Linux, etc. Commons are productive systems which create resources for collective benefit https://preview.redd.it/fn8akvk03ytd1.png?width=2400&format=png&auto=webp&s=f0513922a6950641fdbb2763d2c5eeb9c9b51a31 Ethereum's three shared resources: network, asset, media their confluence produces what we call Ethereum mainnet: they are deeply interdependent here, but altered forms make the edges of the broader commons https://preview.redd.it/wktng23d3ytd1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=1a330236f940f4d34094b83689d6f2d7acba69f1 these resources are produced through protocols: technical, legal, economic, social, political complete ownership of each resource is not desirable, as it destroys their integrity. therefore, actors engage in production for influence extraction https://preview.redd.it/4k9pd6hf3ytd1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=ba7f5b53ba8a1e0c722c38529fab0fc78bf35936 Protocol Guild gives us a transparent, legible, sustainable and accountable funding allocation mechanism for software media production. there are 5 main threads which make it unique:
it holistically funds stewardship of the entire watershed – not rivers in isolation Commons have had a rough go under capitalism – but there is hope in long-lived natural precedents: irrigation, fisheries, farming. blossoming digital commons should practice the posture and develop the mechanisms necessary to ensure uncaptured longevity → Read here submitted by /u/trent_vanepps |